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Cooked Rat
Cooked Rat Rat cooking on a grill at an Asian street food market.
Apples Hundreds of fresh red apples.
Asia Street Food
Asia Street Food Asian street food market with grill in focus foreground and people blurred in the background.
Apples Lots of green and red apples, some rotten.
Apple Delivery
Apple Delivery Truck unloading thousands of apples to a cider factory.
Gravestones Moss covered gravestones in a cemetery.
Line Of Mopeds
Line Of Mopeds Line of mopeds parked up, disappearing into the distance.
Dangerous Ride
Dangerous Ride Dangerous ride home: family on a moped with a baby balanced between the mother's legs.
Traffic Pollution
Traffic Pollution Lady on a bike in Asia with a pollution mask on.
Asian Moped
Asian Moped Male riding a moped in Asia with an umbrella shading him from the sun.
Guns For Sale
Guns For Sale Air guns and BB guns for sale in a shop. 'Buy one pistol get 2,000 bullets FREE!'
TV Studio
TV Studio Lighting rig of a TV studio with a monitor showing the 'Most Haunted' logo.