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Waterside (335)

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Beach At Sunset
Beach At Sunset Beach At Sunset.
Woodland Pond
Woodland Pond Woodland Pond with a building visible just beyond...
Jungle River
Jungle River Looking down a jungle river opening in the trees, with clear skies overhead.
Bench By The Lake
Bench By The Lake Bench overlooking a lakes with trees surrounding.
Underground Manchester
Underground Manchester One of the many disused canal tunnels under the heart of Manchester City Centre, once used to deliver from barges to the warehouses above.
Abandoned Log Flume
Abandoned Log Flume Abandoned log flume track sitting in a stagnant lake during the evening.
Moody Sky Over The Sea
Moody Sky Over The Sea The sun breaking through the clouds and reflected on the water with a central Jacob's ladder.
Half Aquarium
Half Aquarium Half aquarium and half jungle with tropical fish.
Moored Boats
Moored Boats Moored boats at sea, as the sun sets on the horizon.
In A Flap
In A Flap A duck flapping its wings on the pond.
Mountain And Lake
Mountain And Lake A beautiful scene in Gerainger, Norway
Clear Water
Clear Water A beautiful scene of mountains and lake in Gerainger, Norway.