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Shadows and Light
Shadows and Light Coloured light projection onto a wall with a piece of modern art casting interesting shadow patterns.
Private Yacht
Private Yacht A private yacht moored at a pier on a tropical sandy beach.
Picnic in Paradise
Picnic in Paradise A romantic picnic on a sandbank in the middle of the sea.
Where Fire Meets Water
Where Fire Meets Water The coastline of a volcanic island showing the variation in geology. The path of a pyroclastic flow is interrupted as it reaches the sea.
Where Heaven And Earth Collide
Where Heaven And Earth Collide A view from a helicoper on a clear day flying over the sea, where the sky and the sea blend into one.
High Tide
High Tide A view out to sea at high tide.
Castillo San Felipe De Barajas
Castillo San Felipe De Barajas The Castillo San Felipe de Barajas is a fortress in Cartagena, Colombia. It was built by the Spanish in the colonial era and was originally known as The Castillo de San Lázaro and has a system of underground tunnels.
The Colombian Fortress
The Colombian Fortress The Castillo San Felipe de Barajas is a fortress in Cartagena, Colombia. It was built by the Spanish in the colonial era and was originally known as The Castillo de San Lázaro and has a system of underground tunnels.
Evening at the Beach
Evening at the Beach A tropical sandy beach at night.
Going Up?
Going Up? The elevator structure built into the surrounding rock at the entrance to Harrison's Cave in Barbados. The three elevators take tourists down the the cave system and information centre.
Pink Elephant
Pink Elephant A statue of an elephant's head illuminated with pink and red lights.
Driftwood A large piece of driftwood washed up on a black volcanic sand beach.