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Coloured Jars
Coloured Jars Row of coloured jars on a shelf, looking magical.
Row Of Mopeds
Row Of Mopeds Row of mopeds
Through A Train Door
Through A Train Door Old train carriage travelling through a rural countryside, shot from a door.
Mickey At Disney
Mickey At Disney Micke Mouse foreground frame with Cinderella's castle right of frame at Magic Kingdom, Florida.
Rows Of Pumpkins
Rows Of Pumpkins 2 rows of Halloween pumpkins each with individual an design on the steps of a house.
Niagara Falls Telescope
Niagara Falls Telescope Niagara Falls (on the Canadian side) with a tourist telescope foreground and Horseshoe Falls int eh background.
Balloons At Magic Kingdom
Balloons At Magic Kingdom Balloons foreground frame with Cinderella's castle left of frame at Magic Kingdom, Florida.
China Road Sign
China Road Sign China road sign 'Beijing Road'.
Christmas Biscuits
Christmas Biscuits Traditional heart shaped Gingerbread Biscuits hanging at a Christmas Market.
German Biscuits
German Biscuits Traditional German heart shaped Biscuits hanging at a Christmas market.
Old Gate Post
Old Gate Post An old gate post.
Peeling Paint
Peeling Paint Layers of peeling blue and green paint on the side of a cargo container.