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Nature (760)

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Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky Working sled Siberian Husky desperate to start pulling.
Japanese Dragon Garden
Japanese Dragon Garden Japanese styled garden with dragon foreground right.
Sunset in Paradise
Sunset in Paradise A colourful sunset on a tropical beach.
The Altar
The Altar This natural stalagmite formation is found in Harrison's Cave in Barbados. It has been named 'The Altar' as it resembles a bridal couple kneeling before a priest. The location is a popular place for wedding ceremonies.
Sunset at the Beach
Sunset at the Beach An orange sunset at the beach.
Save The Waves
Save The Waves A sign on board a cruise ship. Part of Royal Caribbean International's ongoing campaign to keep the Earth's waters clean.
Reflections at Night
Reflections at Night Garden plants and trees are lit up at night and reflected in the surface of a pool.
Rainbow Bay
Rainbow Bay A rainbow appears over a bay after a sudden rainstorm.
Convict Tang Manini
Convict Tang Manini The Convict Tang Manini fish, a surgeonfish, found around coral reefs. It is whitish-yellow with zebra-like black stripes on its sides.
A Patch of Green
A Patch of Green A small patch of green is all that remains after the surrounding countryside is swallowed up by mud flows from a volcanic eruption.
Montserrat Coastline
Montserrat Coastline The coastline of Montserrat where the volcano meets the sea.
Letting Off Steam
Letting Off Steam Steam and hot gas being released from vents in the side of an active volcano.