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Architecture (442)

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Gorse Hall Gate Art
Gorse Hall Gate Art Close-up of the artwork on the iron gate at the entrance to Gorse Hall,Stalybridge.
Gorse Hall Gate
Gorse Hall Gate The entrance gate at Gorse Hall, Stalybridge.
Beatrix Potter Blue Sign
Beatrix Potter Blue Sign A blue sign at the entrance to Gorse Hall to commemorate Beatrix Potter who spent time there in her youth.
Beatrix Potter Sign at Gorse Hall
Beatrix Potter Sign at Gorse Hall A blue sign at the entrance to Gorse Hall commemorating Beatrix Potter.
Neon Bridge
Neon Bridge Brightly lit bridge at night.
Private Swimming Pool
Private Swimming Pool Private swimming pool under screens with steps foreground.
Factory Chimneys
Factory Chimneys Factory chimneys framed left (suitable for text).
Chinese Village
Chinese Village Rooftop shot showing lots of buildings in a Chinese Village.
Gated Community
Gated Community Entrance to a gated community.
Chase Bank
Chase Bank Chase Bank offices with an American flag behind.
Modern Tower
Modern Tower Modern Tower
Oriental Pearl TV Tower
Oriental Pearl TV Tower Close up of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai.