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Clissold Park
Clissold Park A bright winter's day in Clissold Park with a bare tree in the foreground and St Mary's Church in the background
Clleared For Landing...
Clleared For Landing... A swan just landing on the lake.
The View From Little Gidding
The View From Little Gidding A woodland view taken from the village of Little Gidding
Colours An amazing mix of colours with a red phone box against some multi colour railings.
Barge A barge reflected in the water on the River Lea.
Washed Up
Washed Up Some bagged rubbish washed up by the waterside.
Below Stairs
Below Stairs A view below the outdoor stairs at a house.
Barging In
Barging In A collection of colourful barges moored on a River.
Shimmering Railings
Shimmering Railings A reflection of some railings in the water.
Misty Morning
Misty Morning Trees in the mist early in the morning.
Colours At Smithfield Market
Colours At Smithfield Market The colourful arches at Smithfield Market
Shadows And Light
Shadows And Light A picture of the trees in Clissold Park with the sun casting shadows.