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Colourful Trees
Colourful Trees Colourful trees in the Summer.
Oriental Statue
Oriental Statue Oriental statue in the foreground.
Fake Starbucks
Fake Starbucks Fake Starbucks found in Jiangxi Province in the heart of China. The branding was nearly there, the only thing they forgot was… coffee. Yes, a fake Starbucks that doesn't serve coffee. Only in China.
RSPB Nature Reserve
RSPB Nature Reserve RSPB Nature Reserve at Lake Vyrnwy, Wales.
Winter Home
Winter Home Looking up at an ice and snow covered cabana.
Deep Snow
Deep Snow Deep snow outside the windows of a log cabin.
Deep Snow
Deep Snow Deep snow seen from the inside through french doors.
Modern Hotel Foyer
Modern Hotel Foyer Modern hotel foyer
Black Sandy Beach
Black Sandy Beach A large piece of driftwood washed up on a black volcanic sand beach.
Church Candles
Church Candles Coloured memorial candles in little glass jars surrounded by silver foil burning in a church.
Bonaire Gift Shop
Bonaire Gift Shop An abstract image of a gift shop in Kralendjik, Bonaire, selling souvenirs and crafts to tourists.
Light Trails
Light Trails Car headlight and brake lights make light trails