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Boot Print In Ice
Boot Print In Ice Abstract shot of a boot print in ice.
Cabinet War Rooms
Cabinet War Rooms The Cabinet War Rooms; a historic underground complex that housed a British government command centre throughout the Second World War.

Construction of the Cabinet War Rooms, located beneath the Treasury building in the Whitehall area of Westminster, began in 1938. They became operational in August 1939. They remained in operation throughout the Second World War, before being abandoned in 1945 after the surrender of Japan.
Cabinet War Rooms
Cabinet War Rooms Corridor in the Cabinet War Rooms; a historic underground complex that housed a British government command centre throughout the Second World War.

Construction of the Cabinet War Rooms, located beneath the Treasury building in the Whitehall area of Westminster, began in 1938. They became operational in August 1939. They remained in operation throughout the Second World War, before being abandoned in 1945 after the surrender of Japan.
Snowmobiles Sign
Snowmobiles Sign Snow covered sign warning of snowmobiles and skidoos.
Five Star Hotel Reception
Five Star Hotel Reception Entrance and reception to a five star hotel.
Huskies And Sleigh
Huskies And Sleigh Huskies resting in a snow covered forest next to a sleigh.
Walking Through Snow
Walking Through Snow Legs with jeans and hiking boots on walking through deep snow.
Train Station
Train Station Main concourse at Malmo Railway Station in Denmark.
Snow Covered Fence
Snow Covered Fence Snow Covered Fence
Hockey Snowman
Hockey Snowman Snowman outside a house dresses as an Ice Hockey player.
Haliburton Sign welcoming visitors to Haliburton in Ontario, Canada.
Happy Shed
Happy Shed Happy looking garden shed in the Winter.