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TV Studio
TV Studio Lighting rig of a TV studio with a monitor showing the 'Most Haunted' logo.
Muppet Hot Air Balloon
Muppet Hot Air Balloon Muppet hot air balloon with Kermit the Frog on the side.
Sheep Portrait shot of a sheep in a field.
Cottage Window
Cottage Window Bay bedroom window a a very old cottage (rebuilt 1989).
Sheep In Field
Sheep In Field Sheep in a field, the middle one looking straight to camera.
Christmas Biscuits
Christmas Biscuits Traditional seasonal gingerbread biscuits hanging on a stall at a Christmas market.
Damaged Lock
Damaged Lock Od damaged sliding lock on a red door with peeling paint.
Crafted Reindeer
Crafted Reindeer Crafted reindeer made out of straw. Christmas decoration.
Satellite Truck
Satellite Truck Satellite truck parked up in a remote location at night.
Grumpy Sign
Grumpy Sign Grumpy sign at a market stall.
Stranded Boat
Stranded Boat Boat stranded in the sands as the tide goes out.
Telescope At Beach
Telescope At Beach Tourist telescope looking out to the sea.