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Vandalised School
Vandalised School Old vandalised school, nature taking over.
Huddersfield Narrow Canal
Huddersfield Narrow Canal Huddersfield Narrowboat Canal as it runs through Tameside, sun setting (rising?) in the background.
Keep Out
Keep Out Railing and barbed wire protecting an old building from urban explorers.
Urban Decay
Urban Decay Old factory roof (or lack of) as nature takes over.
Urban Decay
Urban Decay Old factory as nature takes over.
Old Mill
Old Mill Wide shot of a derelict cotton mill.
Danger Dogs Inside
Danger Dogs Inside Sign on an old vandalised building warning visitors that dogs are inside.
Factory In Forest
Factory In Forest Old engineering works taken over by nature.
Factory Reflections
Factory Reflections Old derelict factory reflected in water.
Old Workshop
Old Workshop Old workshop fallen into disrepair and taken over by nature.
Dam On Lake
Dam On Lake Dam on the edge of a lake that once fed power station cooling towers.
Fishing Lake
Fishing Lake Fishing lake on a sunny day.