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Geraingerfjord, Norway
Geraingerfjord, Norway A view of the beautiful Geraingerfjord in Norway from halfway up the mountain
Underwater Scene
Underwater Scene Swimming fish and coral.
Mountain And Lake
Mountain And Lake A beautiful scene in Gerainger, Norway
Washing Cat
Washing Cat A black and white cat, sitting at the bottom of a flight of stone steps, washing.
Clear Water
Clear Water A beautiful scene of mountains and lake in Gerainger, Norway.
Moscow Underground
Moscow Underground Abstract shot of an archway within Moscow's underground train system.
Moscow Underground
Moscow Underground Lonely figure walking through an archway in the Moscow Underground train system.
City Apartment
City Apartment Shot at magic hour from an exclusive city living apartment balcony overlooking the city below.
Danish Flag
Danish Flag The flag of Denmark flying in the wind.
Winter Sunset
Winter Sunset Christmas Eve Sunset over Surbiton.
Autumn Brown Fungus
Autumn Brown Fungus Brown fungus in woodland in autumn
Panaeolus Mushrooms
Panaeolus Mushrooms Panaeolus mushrooms emerging from the undergrowth.