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Chernobyl Fairground
Chernobyl Fairground Fairground built for the workers of Chernobyl Nuclear Plant in the town of Pripyat. Never officially inaugurated, the nuclear disaster occurred 5 days before the planned opening and it was only used one day (early) to distract residents as they were displaced from their homes.
Chernobyl Fairground
Chernobyl Fairground Fairground built for the workers of Chernobyl Nuclear Plant in the town of Pripyat. Never officially inaugurated, the nuclear disaster occurred 5 days before the planned opening and it was only used one day (early) to distract residents as they were displaced from their homes.
Chernobyl Park
Chernobyl Park Tired unkept sign in the Hotel Polisya park at Pripyat, an abandoned town close to Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Chernobyl Hotel
Chernobyl Hotel The once grand Polissya hotel in the town square of Pripyat, close to Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Chernobyl Hotel
Chernobyl Hotel The once grand Polissya hotel in the town square of Pripyat, close to Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Chernobyl Graffiti
Chernobyl Graffiti Graffiti in an empty derelict building in Pripyat, close to Chernobyl,Ukraine.
Chernobyl Graffiti
Chernobyl Graffiti Graffiti on the walls in Pripyat, the abandoned town near Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Chernobyl Power Company Offices
Chernobyl Power Company Offices Offices of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plants operators, in the nearby town of Pripyat, Ukraine.
Communist Propaganda
Communist Propaganda Looking through the windows of a derelict school, a classroom with Communist propaganda on the walls. Shot in Pripyat, close to Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Chernobyl Power Station Offices
Chernobyl Power Station Offices Administrative offices in Pripyat, belonging to the power company running the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine.
Gas Mask
Gas Mask Gas mask left on the floor. Found in the abandoned Ghost Town of Pripyat, close to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Ukraine.
Chernobyl Cinema
Chernobyl Cinema Rare view of the derelict cinema in Pripyat, the abandoned Ghost Town near Chernobyl, Ukraine.