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Statue Of Liberty
Statue Of Liberty Portrait of the Statue Of Liberty on Liberty Island, New York.
Plane Tail Fins
Plane Tail Fins Frontier Airlines planes lined up at Denver Airport.
Ground Zero Construction
Ground Zero Construction Construction of the new world trade centre on the site of Ground Zero, New York
Ground Zero Construction
Ground Zero Construction Construction of the new world trade centre on the site of Ground Zero, New York.
Empire State Building
Empire State Building Left side portrait shot of the Empire State Building in New York.
Empire State Building
Empire State Building Head on high angle shot of the Empire State Building in New York.
Empire State Building
Empire State Building Right side portrait shot of the Empire State Building in New York.
Welcome To New York
Welcome To New York Welcome sign at the end of LaGuardia Airport runway, New York.
New York Post Office
New York Post Office James A. Farley Post Office, the main Post Office in New York.
Aerial Of New York
Aerial Of New York Helicopter aerial shot of Manhatton Island, New York.
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Stanley Hotel, Colorado Sign at the Stanley Hotel in Boulder, Colorado. Inspiration for the Stephen King book 'The Shining'.
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Stanley Hotel, Colorado Signage at the Stanley Hotel in Boulder, Colorado. Inspiration for the Stephen King book 'The Shining'.