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Miscellaneous (849)

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Precarious Steps
Precarious Steps Very precarious looking wrought iron steps up the side of a mountain.
Dangerous Steps
Dangerous Steps Very precarious looking wrought iron steps up the side of a mountain.
Village Idiot
Village Idiot Village Idiot next to a sign 'Common Sense Is Not So Common'.
Fire And Water
Fire And Water Water droplets and a fire explosion caught on a fast exposure with incredible contrast.
Raw Materials
Raw Materials Piles of outer shells stacked up at a Rice Cooker factory.
Frozen Niagara
Frozen Niagara Niagara Falls (American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls) in Winter, with part of the waterfall and river frozen.
Frozen Pipe
Frozen Pipe Icicles formed on the end of a stone outlet in a park wall.
Gruesome Head
Gruesome Head Gruesome head on a bookshelf.
Funny Condoms
Funny Condoms Very funny Asian brand of condoms.
Asian Pringles
Asian Pringles Packs of Pringles in a supermarket in China, one is Seaweed flavour, the other crab.
Lazy Workman
Lazy Workman Workman asleep next to a 'Men Working' sign.
Cig Butts In Bucket
Cig Butts In Bucket Lots of cigarette ends stubbed out in a bucket.