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Light Trails
Light Trails Light trails left by car headlight and brake lights.
Reindeer Close up of a reindeer with antlers.
Cable Car Pylon
Cable Car Pylon Cable car pylon in a snow covered landscape and a cable car travelling uphill.
Cable Car Pylon
Cable Car Pylon Cable car pylon in a snow covered landscape and a cable car travelling uphill.
Cable Car
Cable Car Cable car climbing a snow covered mountain.
Mountain Cable Car
Mountain Cable Car Wide shot of a mountain with the cables of a cable car, pylon and car framed in the centre.
Shopping Centre
Shopping Centre Entrance to a shopping centre, shot in Middleton, Manchester.
Modern Airport
Modern Airport Modern airport with information screens and a reflective marble floor.
Ukrainian Square
Ukrainian Square Winter view of a Ukrainian town square by the Gogul Theatre of Music and Drama, Poltava.
Stately House Living Room
Stately House Living Room Grand living area in a stately home or castle.
Stately House Gardens
Stately House Gardens View of a well maintained stately house gardens, with stonework foreground right of frame.
Abstract Face
Abstract Face Abstract face wall art.