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Abstract Reflections
Abstract Reflections A fading sunset and a tree reflected in the window.
Reflections Pink and blue reflections from a glass roof top.
Summer Leaves
Summer Leaves New leaves growing on a tree
Trees And Leaves
Trees And Leaves An autumnal picture of leaves and trees.
Synagogue Wall, Amsterdam
Synagogue Wall, Amsterdam The side wall of a very old synagogue in Amsterdam
Glasgow Necropolis Lamp Post
Glasgow Necropolis Lamp Post A decorative lamp post in the Necropolis in Glasgow
Staircase, Glasgow University
Staircase, Glasgow University A very ornate wooden staircase with a wood and iron bannister
Autumn Sunrise, Clissold Park
Autumn Sunrise, Clissold Park Sunrise over one of the ponds in Clissold Park
Church Path, Padstow, Cornwall
Church Path, Padstow, Cornwall The centre of the church path in Padstow
Autumn Sunrise, Clissold Park
Autumn Sunrise, Clissold Park A beautiful sunrise over the pond in Clissold Park with tree silhouettes in the foreground
Dilapidated Barge, Maldon, Essex
Dilapidated Barge, Maldon, Essex The side of a dilapidated barge covered with moss on lower hull moored in Maldon, Essex
The Glasshouse, Glasgow Botanical Gardens
The Glasshouse, Glasgow Botanical Gardens The plants inside the Glasshouse, with a white statue in the middle under a domed ceiling