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Votives A row of votive candles burning.
Motorcycle A black and white image of a classic 1960's Talmag motorcycle.
Red Arrows
Red Arrows Red Arrows flying display with red and white smoke trails.
Airbus Airbus coming in to land at Farnborough Airshow.
Red Arrows
Red Arrows Red Arrows flying in formation with the classic red, white and blue smoke trails.
Red Arrows
Red Arrows Red Arrows flying display with red and white smoke trails.
Cutty Sark
Cutty Sark The Cutty Sark is a British clipper ship, now a permanent museum in Greenwich, London.
Frozen Mobile Mast
Frozen Mobile Mast Mobile phone aerial covered in ice and snow at the top of a mountain.
Frozen Mobile Mast
Frozen Mobile Mast Mobile phone aerial covered in ice and snow at the top of a mountain.
Frozen Mobile Mast
Frozen Mobile Mast Mobile phone aerial covered in ice and snow at the top of a mountain.
Give Way
Give Way 'Give Way' sign at a junction, with rays of sun through the clouds behind.
St Petersburg
St Petersburg Main street running away from the harbour in St Petersburg, Florida.