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Nature (760)

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Row Of Fountains
Row Of Fountains Row of fountains flowing into plants.
Sunset over Tameside
Sunset over Tameside A view over Tameside, Greater Manchester at sunset in winter.
Tree Bark
Tree Bark Close-up of the bark on a tree log.
Tree Log
Tree Log A tree log beside a countryside path.
Stormy View
Stormy View A view of a stormy sky through a gap in the trees.
Fungus Growing on a Tree
Fungus Growing on a Tree Fungus growing on a damp tree.
Ruin Wall at Sunset
Ruin Wall at Sunset Moss growing on ruins taken at sunset.
Fungus on Tree Log
Fungus on Tree Log Fungus growing on a damp tree log.
Silver Birch Tree Bark
Silver Birch Tree Bark A close-up of the bark of a silver birch tree.
Hollow Tree
Hollow Tree An old tree hollowed out and distorted from damage by lightning.
Silver Birch Tree
Silver Birch Tree A close-up of the bark of a silver birch tree.
Moss Growing on a Tree
Moss Growing on a Tree Moss growing up a tree in woodland.