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Common Blue Damselflies
Common Blue Damselflies Mating damselflies, taken on the Basingstoke Canal.
Cranefly A cranefly in grassland in the summer.
White-Headed Vulture
White-Headed Vulture A close-up of a White-Headed Vulture.
Flying Kestrel
Flying Kestrel A Kestrel in flight.
Eagle Owl
Eagle Owl An eagle owl at rest on a rock in a grassy field.
Female scorpion fly
Female scorpion fly A female scorpion fly on a green leaf, taken next to Basingstoke Canal.
White-backed Vulture
White-backed Vulture A close-up of a juvenile White-Backed vulture.
Tawny Owl
Tawny Owl A close-up image of the face of a Tawny Owl.
Barn Owl
Barn Owl A barn owl at rest on a tree log.
Common Blue Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly A common blue damselfly at rest on a twig.
White-Headed Vulture
White-Headed Vulture A close-up image of the face of a young White-Headed Vulture.
Barn Owl
Barn Owl A barn owl resting on a signpost.