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Nature (760)

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Industrial Sunset
Industrial Sunset Warm glowing sunset over an industrial area.
Deep Snow
Deep Snow Deep snow seen from the inside through french doors.
Column in the Making
Column in the Making Water seeping through rock into a cave creates a stalactite with corresponding stalagmite, eventually over thousands of years will form a column of calcite.
Coconut Seed
Coconut Seed A green coconut seed washed up on a black volcanic sandy beach.
Cloud Over Montserrat
Cloud Over Montserrat A thick cloud hangs over the volcanic island of Montserrat due to steam coming from the volcano. Lush green flora grows on the hillside with evidence of a pyroclastic flow leading out to the bright azure blue Caribbean Sea.
Cave River
Cave River An underground river running through a cave, with water seeping through the rock, dripping into the water creating ripples.
Cashews Freshly roasted cashew nuts.
Cashew Flower
Cashew Flower A close-up image of a cashew tree in flower with a young fruit beginning to appear.
Golden Torch
Golden Torch A variety of heliconia, often mistaken for the Bird of Paradise flower. This is Heliconia Psittacorum, more commonly known as the Golden Torch.
Reindeer Close up of a reindeer with antlers.
Reindeer Close up of a reindeer with antlers.
Reindeer Profile of a reindeer with antlers.