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Nature (760)

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Clleared For Landing...
Clleared For Landing... A swan just landing on the lake.
The View From Little Gidding
The View From Little Gidding A woodland view taken from the village of Little Gidding
Scratch That Itch!
Scratch That Itch! A sleeping gosling in a very strange position!
Keep Your Heron
Keep Your Heron A close up shot of a heron.
Festuca Festuca growing.
Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day A picture of a little chick with its head hidden in its feathers.
Sunrise On The Horizon
Sunrise On The Horizon Sunrise off the coast of Norway.
Trees In A Puddle
Trees In A Puddle A reflection a some trees in a puddle.
Knapweed Knapweed growing by a lakeside.
Commuters On The Branch Line
Commuters On The Branch Line Birds sitting on a snowy branch on a tree.
Waiting For Dinner
Waiting For Dinner A bird by the waterside standing tall.
Sunrise, Clissold Park
Sunrise, Clissold Park A lovely sunrise reflected over Clissold Park with a view of St Mary's Church in the background.