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Asia Craft Factory
Asia Craft Factory Assembly line at an Asian paper and craft factory.
Shopping Centre
Shopping Centre Entrance to a shopping centre, shot in Middleton, Manchester.
Tower Bridge Sign
Tower Bridge Sign Tower Bridge sign in London.
Truck Carving
Truck Carving Historic scene showing coal mines carved into the trunk of a tree.
Borough Market
Borough Market Crowds bustling at Borough Market, London.
The George On The Strand
The George On The Strand Looking down on the courtyard at The George pub on The Strand in London, built in 1676.
Climbing The Shard
Climbing The Shard Workers on the outside of the Shard building in London.
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Sun Dried Tomatoes Sun Dried Tomatoes and chills.
Budapest Airport
Budapest Airport Departures entrance at Budapest Airport, Hungary.
Budapest Airport
Budapest Airport Drop off area at Terminal 2b, Budapest Airport, Hungary.
Budapest Airport
Budapest Airport Drop off area at Terminal 2a, Budapest Airport, Hungary.
Budapest Airport
Budapest Airport Drop off area at Terminal 2, Budapest Airport, Hungary.