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Urban Canal
Urban Canal Looking over railings at a once industrial canal, now empty of traffic. Electricity pylons follow parallel.
Giant Pillars
Giant Pillars A look inside a once industrial building, now derelict with nature taken over.
Rogue Graffiti
Rogue Graffiti Rogue Graffiti
Canadian Number Plate
Canadian Number Plate Canadian number (license) plate on a vehicle.
Once Industrial
Once Industrial A look inside a once industrial building, now derelict with nature taken over.
Canadian Flag
Canadian Flag Canadian flag blowing in the wind, with a snow covered forest behind and pile of snow in foreground.
Hazardous Road
Hazardous Road Forest road blocked with snow and ice.
Asian Shopping Street
Asian Shopping Street Asian shopping street with cafes and cars parked, and a traditional archway at the end.
Traditional Asian Archway
Traditional Asian Archway Traditional Asian archway at the end of a shopping street.
Golden Sunset
Golden Sunset Warm golden sunset with a lifeboat station foreground. Shot in Morecambe, UK.
Sunset Street
Sunset Street Warm sunset at the end of an shopping street with mopeds and cars parked.
Winter Level Crossing
Winter Level Crossing Level crossing as a railway track crosses a road in Winter, with barriers currently up.