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Geraingerfjord, Norway
Geraingerfjord, Norway Ship's wash radiating through the water in Geraingerfjord, Norway
Banks Of Loch Lomond
Banks Of Loch Lomond Flowers in the forefront on the banks of Loch Lomond, Scotland
View From The Funicular Railway, Bergen, Norway
View From The Funicular Railway, Bergen, Norway Aerial view of geometric colour co-ordinated offices in Bergen.
Geraingerfjord, Norway
Geraingerfjord, Norway Broad valley, snow-capped mountains in the distance.
Bottoms Up!
Bottoms Up! Ducks all diving at the same time in a pond.
Cairngorms National Park, Scotland
Cairngorms National Park, Scotland Rows of pine trees march across the foreground, mountains and clouds in the background.
Abstract Reflective Office Block
Abstract Reflective Office Block Abstract shot of a reflective office block by London Bridge.
Twins Ships
Twins Ships Identical tugs moored side by side, with matching rust patterns.
Light Ships
Light Ships Light ships in estuary at Maldon, Essex.
Thaw Water, Geraingerfjord, Norway
Thaw Water, Geraingerfjord, Norway Thaw water river between banks of ice and snow.
Swan Neck
Swan Neck The graceful neck of a swan feeding in a pond.
Reflections Buildings reflected in the water.