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Miscellaneous (849)

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Wasp Attack
Wasp Attack Sign warning people to stay quiet and still in case of a wasp attack.
Logical Graffiti
Logical Graffiti Very logical graffiti: 'Bombing 4 peace is like f**king 4 virginity.'
Church And Graveyard
Church And Graveyard Old village church with a gravestone foreground. (St. Laurences, Church Stretton)
Naughty Dog
Naughty Dog Border Collie clearly disobeying the orders of a 'No Dog' sign.
Airport Reflections
Airport Reflections Reflections in the floor outside a duty free shop in an international airport.
Rope Bridge
Rope Bridge Precarious bridge crossing a river far below.
Abstract Brick Wall
Abstract Brick Wall Brick wall with a mess covering parts of it.
Too Fat To Walk
Too Fat To Walk Fat pig in the back of a small Tuk Tuk being driven down a road.
Frozen Niagara
Frozen Niagara A frozen Niagara Falls (American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls) illuminated by blue lights at night. Shot looking at a the American side from the Canadian side.
China Market
China Market Vibrant colours at an Chinese food market.
Rusty Pipe
Rusty Pipe Rusty pipe outlet.
Asian City
Asian City Rooftop view of an Asian town, with a cloud of pollution hanging over.