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High End Bathroom
High End Bathroom Quality bathroom with granite top and stone tiles.
High End Bathroom
High End Bathroom Quality bathroom with granite top and stone tiles.
Torn Union Jack
Torn Union Jack Union Jack, the flag of the United Kingdom, hanging in tatters in a castle.
Medieval Fireplace
Medieval Fireplace Large medieval fireplace with elephants head hanging above.
Banqueting Hall
Banqueting Hall Large medieval banqueting hall.
Castle Dungeons
Castle Dungeons Castle Dungeons with toture devices on display.
Ice Church
Ice Church Church made entirely of ice and snow.
Two Candles
Two Candles Shadowy shot of two lit candles, one foreground in focus; background blurred.
Two Candles
Two Candles Bright shot of two lit candles, one foreground in focus; background blurred.
Soviet Propaganda
Soviet Propaganda Soviet propaganda showing through the overgrown trees near Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Chernobyl Sports Stadium
Chernobyl Sports Stadium Sports stadium in the abandoned town of Pripyat, Ukraine. Nature has taken over. Close to Chernobyl and highly radioactive.
Chernobyl Sports Stadium
Chernobyl Sports Stadium Sports stadium in the abandoned town of Pripyat, Ukraine. Nature has taken over. Close to Chernobyl and highly radioactive.