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The Shard Peeks Through...
The Shard Peeks Through... A view of the tip of the Shard from the opposite side of the Thames
Sunrise In The Lake
Sunrise In The Lake A reflection of trees and a beautiful sunrise in a lake.
Rime Time
Rime Time Leaves covered in rime in the depth of of a British Winter.
Fish And Reflections, Glasgow Botanical Gardens
Fish And Reflections, Glasgow Botanical Gardens A small pond inside the botanical gardens with swimming fish and reflections of the surrounding glasshouse
Calm Water
Calm Water Small waves in the calm waters.
Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves A collection of autumn leaves gathered round a drain.
Preparing For The High Dive
Preparing For The High Dive A little duckling standing on a rock tentatively reaching its beak down toward the pond.
Grooming Tutorial
Grooming Tutorial A cygnet and a coot in synchronised grooming.
Staircase And Skylight
Staircase And Skylight A view from the ground of a spiral staircase and skylight in a manor house.
Roofline, Maldon, Essex
Roofline, Maldon, Essex The apex of a building in Maldon
Reflections, Clissold Park
Reflections, Clissold Park Reflections in a puddle
Evening Skies
Evening Skies An early evening picture of a moody sky with foreground trees sillhouetted.