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Male Lighting Lantern
Male Lighting Lantern Male lighting a Chinese Sky Lantern.
Sky Lantern
Sky Lantern Sky lantern floating in the night sky.
Sky Lantern
Sky Lantern Sky lantern floating in the night sky.
Canvas Prints
Canvas Prints 4 prints of photos mounted on a wall with a spotlight centred on them.
Flaming Torch
Flaming Torch Flaming torch hanging off the balcony in a gothic castle.
Gas Lamp And Books
Gas Lamp And Books Gas lamp next to some antique leather bound books.
Giant Pizza Slice
Giant Pizza Slice Man holding a giant pizza slice in front of his face.
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguishers Line of fire extinguishers, health and safety porn!
Rusty Switch
Rusty Switch Old rusty factory switch, perhaps on a generator or electricity sub-station/transformer.
Signed Ouija Board
Signed Ouija Board Ouija board signed by the cast of Most Haunted, including Karl Beattie, Yvette Fielding and Stuart Torevell.
Runway Light
Runway Light Close up of a runway landing light sunken into the tarmac.
Camera And Script
Camera And Script TV camera in studio with a script attached.