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Chapel Window, Abney Park Cemetary
Chapel Window, Abney Park Cemetary A chapel window through which trees and blue sky can be seen, Abney Park Cemetary
Strathspey Railway
Strathspey Railway Red steam train in Scotland
Cog Gears
Cog Gears Close up of giant cog wheels.
Glasgow Necropolis Lamp Post
Glasgow Necropolis Lamp Post A decorative lamp post in the Necropolis in Glasgow
Dilapidated Barge, Maldon, Essex
Dilapidated Barge, Maldon, Essex The side of a dilapidated barge covered with moss on lower hull moored in Maldon, Essex
Ivy-Covered Cottage, Padstow, Cornwall
Ivy-Covered Cottage, Padstow, Cornwall A small cottage, covered in ivy with an apple tree in the foreground
One Boy Dreams, Strathspey Steam Railway
One Boy Dreams, Strathspey Steam Railway A lovely blue shiny steam engine with driver waiting at the station platform, while a little boy looks and dreams
Cruise Ship Deck
Cruise Ship Deck The start of the day (on the P&O Ventura) after the decks have been washed down, ready for passengers to wake.
Watery Grave
Watery Grave The appearance of a grave at sea.
Tug Reflections
Tug Reflections A little tug boat sitting in the water on top of its reflection.
Toytown Tractor
Toytown Tractor A colourful tractor sitting in front of a tree.
Barge at Maldon, Essex
Barge at Maldon, Essex The green and orange colours on a barge moored at Maldon