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Nature (760)

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Toddler At Seaside
Toddler At Seaside Toddler playing in the sand at the seaside watching a seagull in the distance.
Monkey Family
Monkey Family Mother monkey (Toque macaque) carrying her baby. Species is unique to Sri Lanka.
Monkey Eating
Monkey Eating A Toque Macaque eating, species is unique to Sri Lanka.
Herb Garden
Herb Garden Sign at the entrance of a Sri Lanka herb garden, Luckgrove.
Elephant Profile
Elephant Profile Profile shot of an Indian Elephant in the wild.
Golden Clouds
Golden Clouds Sunrise (or sunset) hidden behind clouds giving a golden glow.
Koi Carp
Koi Carp Koi Carp
Koi Carp
Koi Carp Koi Carp
Indian Elephants
Indian Elephants A family of Indian Elephants in the wild.
Koi Carp
Koi Carp Dozens of koi carp in a pond at feeding time.
Pineapple Growing
Pineapple Growing Pineapple growing in a tree.
Chinese Food
Chinese Food Prepared fish on a plate in a Chinese restaurant.