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Nature (760)

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Frozen Pipe
Frozen Pipe Icicles formed on the end of a stone outlet in a park wall.
Snake Charmer
Snake Charmer Snake charmer sat begging in the street.
Snake Charmer
Snake Charmer Snake charmer sat begging in the street.
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen Ducks hanging in a Chinese restaurant kitchen.
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen Ducks hanging (in focus foreground) in a Chinese restaurant kitchen with a chef (blurred) in the background.
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen Ducks hanging upside down (in focus foreground) in a Chinese restaurant kitchen with a chef (blurred) preparing in the background.
Pineapple Plantation
Pineapple Plantation Rows of early stage pineapple plants growing at a plantation.
Rubber Tree
Rubber Tree Sap dripping from the trunk of a rubber tree, caught in a coconut shell.
Pineapple Flower
Pineapple Flower Early stage of a pineapple growing with the flower head clearly visible.
Rubber Tree
Rubber Tree Sap dripping from the trunk of a rubber tree, caught in a coconut shell.
Rubber Tree
Rubber Tree Sap dripping from the trunk of a rubber tree, caught in a coconut shell.
Walking Seagull
Walking Seagull Seagull walking down a beach.