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Nature (760)

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Arctic Conditions
Arctic Conditions All wrapped up with a rabbit skin hat and balaclava in cold snowy conditions.
Fish Supper
Fish Supper Fish sliced in half on and served on a plate, with a price in front in Chinese.
Nature Takes Over
Nature Takes Over Nature reclaims abandoned apartment blocks in Pripyat, the abandoned Ghost Town near Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Nature Takes Over
Nature Takes Over Nature takes over blocks of flats in Pripyat, Ukraine.
Nature Takes Over
Nature Takes Over Nature takes over abandoned blocks of flats in Pripyat, Ukraine; close to the scene of the world's worse nuclear disaster, Chernobyl.
Yellow Field
Yellow Field Yellow Field
Sunset Over Windfarm
Sunset Over Windfarm Sunset over an off-shore wind farm.
Toque Macaque Monkey
Toque Macaque Monkey A Toque Macaque monkey, species is unique to Sri Lanka.
Toque Macaque Monkey
Toque Macaque Monkey A Toque Macaque monkey, species is unique to Sri Lanka.
Moss On Rock
Moss On Rock Moss On Rock
Flower Garland
Flower Garland Flower Garland
Sri Lanka Hill Myna
Sri Lanka Hill Myna Young Sri Lankan Hill Myna bird, with brown feathers.