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Nature (760)

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Pink Elephant
Pink Elephant A statue of an elephant's head illuminated with pink and red lights.
Driftwood A large piece of driftwood washed up on a black volcanic sand beach.
Brown Pelicans
Brown Pelicans Brown pelicans at the end of a concrete pier.
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican Young brown pelican sat on a concrete post.
Caledonian Canal
Caledonian Canal Warm sunset over one of the locks on the Caledonian Canal at Fort Augustus, Scotland.
Fort Augustus Locks
Fort Augustus Locks Warm sunset over the locks on the Caledonian Canal at Fort Augustus, Scotland.
Colourful Trees
Colourful Trees Colourful trees in the Summer.
Lake Vyrnwy Nature Reserve
Lake Vyrnwy Nature Reserve Picnic area in the Lake Vyrnwy nature reserve.
RSPB Nature Reserve
RSPB Nature Reserve RSPB Nature Reserve at Lake Vyrnwy, Wales.
Woodland Stream
Woodland Stream Stream running through rocks in the countryside.
Woodland Stream
Woodland Stream Stream running through rocks in the countryside.
Deep Snow
Deep Snow Deep snow outside the windows of a log cabin.