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Production Line
Production Line Looking down the assembly line at a Rice Cooker factory in Asia.
Lighting Sky Lantern
Lighting Sky Lantern Asian male holding a lit Sky Lantern.
Shanghai Docks
Shanghai Docks Shanghai Docks
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen Ducks hanging in a Chinese restaurant kitchen.
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen Ducks hanging upside down (in focus foreground) in a Chinese restaurant kitchen with a chef (blurred) preparing in the background.
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen
Ducks In Chinese Kitchen Ducks hanging (in focus foreground) in a Chinese restaurant kitchen with a chef (blurred) in the background.
China Reservoir
China Reservoir China Reservoir with sign foreground.
Reservoir Reservoir
Place In The Sun
Place In The Sun Front door of a typical Florida holiday home with a clear blue sky behind.
Cinderellas Castle
Cinderellas Castle Cinderella's Castle at the end of Main Street in Disney's Magic Kingdom, Florida.
Thunder Mountain
Thunder Mountain Sun setting over the Thunder Mountain ride at Disney's Magic Kingdom, Florida.
Pixar Signage
Pixar Signage Signage over the entrance of Pixar Animation Studios.