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Industry (825)

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Plane Tail Fins
Plane Tail Fins Landscape shot of four red plane tail fins lined up at an airport.
Construction Site
Construction Site Crane on the side of a new office block construction.
Plane Tail Fins
Plane Tail Fins Landscape shot of four red plane tail fins lined up at an airport.
Generator On Truck
Generator On Truck Generator on the back of a truck in Europe.
Spraying Wood
Spraying Wood Asian factory workers spraying wooden chair backs with white paint. (Lacking masks and health and safety)
Glühwein At Christmas Market
Glühwein At Christmas Market Sign at a Christmas market above a stall selling mulled wine (Glühwein).
Worker Cutting Foam
Worker Cutting Foam Asian factory worker cutting foam with a saw machine.
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Crowne Plaza Hotel Crowne Plaza hotel tower (Guangzhou, China)
Carpentry Workshop
Carpentry Workshop Wooden chair factory workshop.
Assembly Line
Assembly Line Looking down the assembly line at a Rice Cooker factory in Asia.
Raw Materials
Raw Materials Piles of outer shells stacked up at a Rice Cooker factory.
Asian Manufacturing
Asian Manufacturing Wide shot of an assembly line at a Rice Cooker factory in Asia.