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Urquhart Castle Ruins
Urquhart Castle Ruins The ruins of Urquhart Castle overlooking Loch Ness in Scotland.
Urquhart Castle Ruins
Urquhart Castle Ruins The ruins of Urquhart Castle overlooking Loch Ness in Scotland from the water.
Inflatable Father Christmas
Inflatable Father Christmas Inflatable Father Christmas at Manchester Town Hall overlooking the Christmas Markets.
Cuiwei National Park Entrance
Cuiwei National Park Entrance Entrance to the Cuiwei National Forest Park in China with traditional Chinese archway.
Manchester Town Hall
Manchester Town Hall Inflatable Father Christmas at Manchester Town Hall overlooking the Christmas Markets.
Path Through Trees
Path Through Trees Path going uphill through trees in a woodland area.
Clouds Hills Mountains
Clouds Hills Mountains Rolling hills with clouds top of frame and a lake bottom of frame.
Urquhart Castle Ruins
Urquhart Castle Ruins The ruins of Urquhart Castle overlooking Loch Ness in Scotland.
Cuiwei Peak
Cuiwei Peak The Cuiwei Peak rock in the Cuiwei National Forest Park, Ningdu, Jiangxi Province in China.
Ukrainian Square
Ukrainian Square Winter view of a Ukrainian town square by the Gogul Theatre of Music and Drama, Poltava.
Path Through Trees
Path Through Trees Path going downhill through trees in a woodland area.
View Over Wooded Hills
View Over Wooded Hills View over hazy wooded hills.