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Black Sandy Beach
Black Sandy Beach A large piece of driftwood washed up on a black volcanic sand beach.
Colombian Street Performers
Colombian Street Performers Street performers in Cartagena, Colombia, acting out an historic scene from the days of the slave trade, 16th century.
Cloud Over Montserrat
Cloud Over Montserrat A thick cloud hangs over the volcanic island of Montserrat due to steam coming from the volcano. Lush green flora grows on the hillside with evidence of a pyroclastic flow leading out to the bright azure blue Caribbean Sea.
Cave River
Cave River An underground river running through a cave, with water seeping through the rock, dripping into the water creating ripples.
Catamaran A white catamaran sailing along the coast.
Catamaran in the Bay
Catamaran in the Bay A yellow and white catamaran tour boat preparing for a day of sailing.
Barbados Ship
Barbados Ship Ship flying the Barbados flag docked in port.
Cargo Ship
Cargo Ship A cargo ship fully loaded with shipping containers out at sea.
Cargo Crane
Cargo Crane A large crane in a port used for loading and unloading shipping containers from cargo ships.
Bonaire Tourist Office
Bonaire Tourist Office A group of people getting information from the brightly painted tourist office in Kralendjik, Bonaire.
Bonaire Gift Shop
Bonaire Gift Shop An abstract image of a gift shop in Kralendjik, Bonaire, selling souvenirs and crafts to tourists.
Cable Car Pylon
Cable Car Pylon Cable car pylon in a snow covered landscape and a cable car travelling uphill.