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Rainbow Bridge
Rainbow Bridge The Rainbow Bridge connecting the USA to Canada, as seen from the Canadian side during Winter.
American Falls
American Falls Horseshoe Falls, one of the three waterfalls at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada seen at sunset or sunrise.
Rainbow Bridge
Rainbow Bridge Canadian customs at the end of the Rainbow Bridge on the USA and Canada border in Niagara Falls.
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls Looking at American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls on the USA side with the viewing platform left of frame.
Convict Tang Manini
Convict Tang Manini The Convict Tang Manini fish, a surgeonfish, found around coral reefs. It is whitish-yellow with zebra-like black stripes on its sides.
A Patch of Green
A Patch of Green A small patch of green is all that remains after the surrounding countryside is swallowed up by mud flows from a volcanic eruption.
Ocean Bungalows
Ocean Bungalows A group of ocean bungalows at a luxury holiday resort.
Montserrat Coastline
Montserrat Coastline The coastline of Montserrat where the volcano meets the sea.
Mandele Lookout Point
Mandele Lookout Point Mandele Lookout Point in St. Lucia, overlooking the coastal town of Dennery.
Lighthouse A old white lighthouse standing against a clear blue sky.
Letting Off Steam
Letting Off Steam Steam and hot gas being released from vents in the side of an active volcano.
Lake Gatun
Lake Gatun A view through the dense rainforest around Lake Gatun in Panama. The lake was created when the area was flooded when construction of the Panama Canal began in 1907.